"He must become greater; I must become less." John 3:30

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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Glory to God

I was angry!  When I was younger temper tantrums came easy to me.  I loved to cry, scream, kick things and my favorite-slam doors!  Over the years my temper has been reigned in but this past week I had myself a big old-fashioned one!  The news had not been good.  My sister's follow-up MRI from her pancreatic surgery earlier in the year showed a spot on her liver had grown quite a bit larger. Cancer-again.  That same kicked-in-the-stomach feeling had been handed to my family once more.  I was angry at the disease, angry that my sister would be going through chemo, angry that we had to feel this fear again and yes, I will admit it... I was angry at God.  I felt somewhat better after my sobbing had diminished.  I wanted to be mad at God still but I couldn't.  This is the reason why. When you spend time in God's Word it starts to sink into your brain.  Bits of it become remembered and even memorized.  You can't keep it from coming to the surface and getting in the way of those emotions you are having.  In fact, within seconds of hearing the news while I was at work I started humming a song called "Glorious".  Here is a stanza from that song.
     No one else above Him
     None as strong to save
     He alone has conquered
     The power of the grave.     (Glorious, Paul Bloche)

I wanted to let my emotions reign but after my tantrum had finished I kept coming back to truth I have learned and cannot ignore.  I wanted to compare my family's issues to a man named Job.  It seemed like we were constantly plagued with trouble.  But as I remembered the story it was obvious Job's life had been much worse.  Job had lost everything important to him in his life.  Not only did his health suffer but he had lost his income, his family, his friends, his servants.  He lost everything. But he also stayed firm in his faith of God.  When I take my eyes off myself and my family I see many others in this world suffering more than us. 

Another message that kept coming to me were the words of Jesus in the gospel of John.  He was telling the disciples about some of the things that would be happening before and after his resurrection.  These words are so valuable for us in this day and age.  

     I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.                       John 16:33

God never promises us that life as a believer will be easy.  In fact he tells us the opposite!  But what we do have is the power of Jesus in us to help us get through these troubles.  I can make it through anything because in my weakness God's power becomes evident.  Over the years many people have asked how I have gotten through these days of cancer in my family.  My answer is always the same.  "My faith in God."

In this post I give glory to God for all he does for us and ask him to be with my sister as she starts her treatment this week.  I ask for strength and peace for her, her husband, the kids and the rest of her family and friends who are in this fight with her.  Please friends join me in continued prayers for her.  To my sister, Tammy, I give you these words to keep close to your heart!

I look up to the hills,
    but where will my help really come from?
My help will come from the Lord,
    the Creator of heaven and earth.
He will not let you fall.
    Your Protector will not fall asleep.
Israel’s Protector does not get tired.
    He never sleeps.
The Lord is your Protector.
    The Lord stands by your side, shading and protecting you.
The sun cannot harm you during the day,
    and the moon cannot harm you at night.
The Lord will protect you from every danger.
    He will protect your soul.
The Lord will protect you as you come and go,
    both now and forever!       Psalm 121





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