Several weeks ago I was reading about a man who was wanted by the authorities. He had grown up in the Middle East and was part of some suspect activities. It was known that he had many different names and based on what the authorities knew about his heritage and religion he was probably medium height, thin, darker skin and curly, dark hair. His name in his native language was difficult to pronounce and unfamiliar looking. From the reports it was apparent that this man had both supporters but also lots of non-supporters. Even those perhaps that would put out big money to have this man brought into custody or even put to death. From the description it sounded like somebody who many would think might qualify for the now famous "no-fly" list.
Soon after I had read about this man I read a story in my Bible about David. In this story God has sent Samuel to annoint a new king. The Lord sends Samuel to Jesse who brings out his sons for Samuel to look at. Now these sons were fine specimens for the title of king and after the first son came forth Samuel was sure God would have him annointed. But God said, "Do not not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7) David, the shepherd boy, was to become the new king.
I love this story about David. Mostly, I love what it says about the way God looks at us. So many times we judge others based on what they look like. Perhaps we look at the clothes they wear. Maybe we think they look a little scruffy based on their cleanliness. Perhaps we look at their skin color. Or we listen to the language they are speaking. We see their name somewhere and struggle to say it and think it is strange. We become suspicious of something as simple as a food that they are eating. We struggle when they move into our neighborhoods. We decide for ourselves who they must be based on who their parents are or were. We decide they aren't good enough for our children to play with or be in school with. We question whether they should be in our country. We question their intentions without really knowing them. We become paranoid and look for the bad in them. We fear them without any real knowledge of who they are. We don't look at their heart.
Now I want to return to that man who was wanted. One of his names he goes by is this: Yeshua Ha-Mashiach. We know him better as Jesus. What did you think about as you read my description? What would you have thought of him then? Would you have known him if he walked by you today? Or would he have been dismissed at first look? I think there is a real danger of forming opinions based on these outward appearances or by what others tell us about a certain person. We should love our neighbors as God loves us. By looking on the inside.
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