"He must become greater; I must become less." John 3:30

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Make a Joyful Noise

Recently I was in the hospital with an intestinal blockage. This recurring problem is caused by the scar tissue left in my body after two life saving cancer surgeries. Unfortunately, these spider web-like adhesions can cause trouble in the abdomen by pulling and catching the intestine causing things to come to a screeching halt. This problem usually results in a trip to the emergency room, a hospital admittance and several days of waiting to see if the procedure being used will solve the issue. This time was extra stress filled for me as I had my son's graduation to attend over the weekend and I was not sure I would make it out in time. Fortunately the problem resolved itself and I was able to make it to the ceremony to watch this milestone in our lives.

Yesterday as I was thinking about my "spider webs" I was suddenly struck by how life can be very similar to this situation. We get caught up in the world and its ways and suddenly the way we want to live our life comes to a screeching halt. We forget to be thankful, our thoughts become very "me" focused and we even question God's ways. Let me give some examples to you from my own life and as you read them perhaps you will see some similarities.

I watch a home improvement show on television or go to a friend's home and what I see is a house that is so much better than mine I begin to covet what I don't have. Suddenly my house becomes not good enough! I am not thankful for the shelter that God has provided or for the many happy times that have occurred in this "lived-in" home! I forget how happy I am to be home after a time away. My mind focuses on what I want to have, not on what God has blessed me with.

At the end of a long work week I complain, "Is this all there is God?" Can't there be a better job for me? Why can't I make more money? It would be great to have that person's job. Can you imagine getting paid that much for what they do? Do I have to put up with that person that I work with? Perhaps I should get a different job-it has to be better than this one. I forget that I have been blessed with a job when so many have none. I forget the co-workers that work so hard with me. My focus goes to greener pastures on the other side of the fence.

My child has made a mistake. What were they thinking? Will I constantly be cleaning up after them? I know their father and I have taught them better than this! Does their life really need to have that much drama in it? Why doesn't he talk to us anymore? Am I just a taxi service? I forget there are crosses on the side of the road where a mother weeps and wishes to have a single minute again with her child. I forget there is a father who wonders where his child is and if he will ever return.

I lament my lack of time. How can I be expected to fit in excercise? Just when will I help at church and have a devotional time when someone is not clamoring for something? I list my excuses as I sit down to watch an hour of television, as I sit waiting to pick up my child from that one more important activity or as I sign in to Facebook. Where in the world would I find that kind of time?

I cannot believe that I am having this health issue again! Why couldn't God have given me a better body? Did he really think when he made me that this is what he wanted? In fact, what was he really thinking? Surely he could have planned this better. Why me? I forget that he made me perfect in his eyes. I forget that he spared my life so I could proclaim him to the ends of the earth.

Just a few examples but I could provide many more. Any sound familiar? A year and a half ago my surgeon performed a less invasive surgery to clear away a lot of my adhesions and has once again suggested this procedure. As I consider this possiblity I will also continue to think about clipping the other ties that bind in my life. While pondering all of this I remember a chapter from the Bible that I worked on memorizing many years ago. It allows me to become focused on what is important. Make it your verse, too!

"Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations."

Psalm 100
King James Version

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